Now learn PHP programming with sample code in your device.With this application you can read all basic and advance concept of PHP with sample programs.44 sample codes which are used to learn basic component of PHP. sample codes are also used in Interviews.So Download this app and increase your PHP knowledge.
Topics Covered:
1. Basics
* Introduction.
* PHP Install
* Syntax
* Variables
* Echo / Print
* Data Types
* String Functions
* Constants
* Operators
* If...Else...Elseif
* Switch
* While Loops
* For Loops
* Functions
* Arrays
* Sorting Arrays
2. Forms
* Form Handling
* Form Validation
* Form Required
* Form URL / Email
* Form Complete
3. Advanced
* Multiple Arrays
* Date
* Include
* File
* File Upload
* Cookies
* Sessions
* Email
* Secure Email
* Error
* Exception
* Filter
4. Database
* MySQL Intro
* MySQL Connect
* Create DB / Table
* Insert Into
* Select query
* Where
* Order By
* Update
* Delete
5. XML and AJAX
* XML Expat Parser
* XML SimpleXML
6. Sample codes(44)